Monster Quest: Seven Sins is a challenging RPG that makes use of playable mechanics similar to those popularised by the Pokémon game series. With a turn-based combat system, offering players the chance to catch and train all kinds of creatures --Monster Quest: Seven Sins is one of the most compelling new alternatives on mobile technology.
The simple mechanics of Monster Quest: Seven Sins ensure that almost any user will enjoy the experience right from the start. Control your hero by using the joystick on the left side of the screen. During these exploration sessions you won't need to use any other controls.
Combat systems — just like in the games created by GameFreak — are equally simple. Each of your creatures has up to four attacks that you can alternate as needed. Monster Quest: Seven Sins also features a class system where fire beats plant, plant beats water, and water beats fire.
One of the most unique features of Monster Quest: Seven Sins is the strong emphasis on storytelling. Through the use of surprisingly well-written dialogues and an engaging grown-up story, Monster Quest: Seven Sins has become a must-have title for any lover of this genre.
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